
Center for Innovative Study Design

What We Do

The Center for Innovative Study Design (CISD) focuses on methodological research for innovative clinical trial design to enable translational medicine. Within Stanford, CISD integrates both biostatistics and informatics services for clinical and translational research in the School of Medicine, develops training programs, and conducts collaborative research projects. Beyond Stanford, CISD introduces its innovations in clinical trial design and analysis to partners in both the private (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare) and public (regulatory agencies) sectors. CISD collaborates with its partners to design clinical trials that gather useful data, perform confirmatory testing, are economically feasible, and manage risk.

Who We Are

CISD comprises both a core team of Stanford faculty as well as an extended team of members and affiliates.

How We Began

CISD was established in March 2009 to integrate the following services in the School of Medicine:

  • Data Coordinating Center (designs and implements specialized, innovative clinical study data and management and visualization tools)
  • Biostatistics Shared Resource of the Stanford Cancer Institute
  • Biostatistics and Design Program of Spectrum
  • Design and review capacity of the Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU)
  • Clinical and translational research (CTR) offerings in pre-award design consultation service

The inaugural workshop held in June 2009 featured speakers from various divisions within the School of Medicine, from the pharmaceutical industry, and from the FDA. The subsequent integrative and transformative activities of CISD are described in the Education, Research, and Events web pages.

For More Information
Ying Lu, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Data Science
Co-Director, Center for Innovative Study Design
Department of Biomedical Data Science
Email: ylu1@stanford.edu